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To help you secure Hi-Quality Graphics
Your message makes the difference and needs to be at it's highest quality. If GBiz is providing Sponsorship Dollars to your organization then Sponsorship Dollars may also be available for your camera-ready artwork, graphic design, and logo/image that will go on the items. That's right logo creation, enhancements, editing, color changes, and resizing into different formats to be used in a variety of printing mediums. This is part of our standard CAMERA-READY Graphics with 2 PROOF changes prior to procuring your items. Our regular fee is $75 per hour with a $35 minimum. Includes 2 Proof changes that often completes the process. $30 for every additional proof change thereafter. This is our most popular service. See Graphics with Procurement below to learn more and get started.
Graphics with Procurement - complimentary graphics
This feature is our most popular and most used service of choice by the non-profits we serve, because they love our graphic ability, talent, and graphical marketing vision. Accommodating you with proof changes, personalized customer service, and competitive pricing.
When you let GBiz create the graphics, and procure the products, or medium that the graphic/design is going on you will Save Time, Effort & Money, along with the highest quality product finish.
We never delete your graphic files, we keep your artwork ready for future edits, revisions, or changes when you need it.
You can use our graphic services with or without sponsorship and still purchase the logo/image if needed for your personal use in any file extension below. Choose a solid background or transparency of the final approved graphic design.
Start your Graphics with Procurement.
Graphics Editing - Services & Fees
Our Graphic Services are at a flat rate of $75/per hr.* A minimum of $35 for any graphic work that we complete.
Services consist of the following work but not limited to: Logo Creation, Graphic Design, Promotional Concepts, Marketing Consulting, Advertising Consulting, Product Presentation, Sound Bites, Sentence Reduction, Research & Development, Internet Research, Data Entry, Editing, Language Translation, Fact Finding, Clarifying Vision, Defining Mission, Pin Pointing Purpose, Casting Goals, Persuasive Slogans, Tag-lines, Establish Core Values, Image Branding, and Birthing of Intellectuals Materials (Custom pricing for SEO and Website Designs) all other services are charged at a flat rate of $75/per hr. Min. Fee $35.00. After the 2nd PROOF change you will be charged $30 for each additional proof change thereafter.
Below you will find the details regarding our logo/image creation and conversion services.
Create logos/images from scratch.
Add different colors to your logo.
Separation of logo colors to maintain the integrity of your actual logo colors when silk-screening.
Recreate the logo to any size, maintaining the integrity and quality of the enhanced details.
Convert the combination of colors to one sharp solid color.
Change the combination of colors to a variety of grayscale colors or any solid grayscale color.
Create logos/images from scratch
Convert your logo to a file that can be digitized.
Digitization of logo for obtaining embroidery stitch count.
Detailed thread separation and stitch count per thread color.
Create logos/images from scratch
Add different colors to your logo.
Correct, sharpen, and clean up any blurs or pixelation.
Convert your logo to a file that can be used for Hi-Quality Printing.
Recreate your logo to any size with editing to maintain the integrity and quality of the logo details.
Convert any combination of colors to one sharp solid color.
Change the combination of colors to a variety of gray scales of colors or any 1 grayscale color.
Start your Graphic Creation Today.
A’ la carte - One graphic file included:
Printing, Sponsorship, or Procurement is not required.

Each service is to be purchased as a separate project one at a time as needed and each project will have a separate running clock, minimum fee of $75, Plus $30 after the 1st PROOF change and $30 for every additional proof change thereafter. Great option when needing 1 to 3 of our services at once. A’ la carte" can become expensive if you request
4 or more different A’ la Carte projects back to back. In this case, we recommend our Marketing Agreement or our Graphics with Procurement.
When choosing our A la' Carte service you will receive the color combination of the final approved graphic design, at no additional cost.
You get One Hi-Res dpi file extension per logo/image in one of the following options below of your choice:
Pick one at no additional cost when paying for hourly graphic work ($75/min.)

 You can purchase any additional logo/image from the file extension options above with either a solid background or transparency.
All file extensions are available (see below), and different logo/image color options are available at a fee.
Logo/image in different colors
3D enhancements
Outlines only (when possible)
One solid color
Solid black

Start your A'la Carte Project.
Branding/Marketing Agreement - Includes all files and file extensions:
Printing, Sponsorship, or Procurement is not required.
Perfect for start-ups or when you want to re-branding your logo across many intellectual materials including all paper and vinyl printing, promotional products, fabric embellishment, electronic & media platforms, and/or websites. 

Request 4 or more combined services to be purchased under one project and receive a reduced price because the combined services are seen as one project with an overlapping running clock, min. fee $500, max. fee $4,000 that will be quoted and approved prior to starting. This is often a better Flat Rate and less expensive if you combine 4 or more different services into one project. Branding Agreements can become expensive if you request less than 4 services in one project.
Combining projects within a Branding/Marketing Agreement gives a lower pre-determined price that is set in stone regardless of the extra man-hours invested as opposed to the A' la carte projects that are billed separately
($75/per hr. ) with no time overlapping. 

Branding/Marketing Agreements will automatically revert from a combined overlapping project to ("A' la carte”) an individual $75/per hr. project if:
The you removes an item or service listed in the agreed-upon combined project.
If you cancel the project before completion, work hours will revert to ("A' la carte”) individual projects.
The above happens, and the custom SEO and Website Designs pricing will also revert to a flat rate of $75 per hour.
Start your Banding/Marketing Agreement
File Extensions - Options and pricing
You can purchase the Hi-Quality Graphic Files we create even if we are not Procuring or Sponsoring a product with that logo or image on it.
If we are not Procuring or Sponsoring the image you are requesting, include the $30 per proof change, starting from your 2nd proof change and every proof change thereafter, plus the File Extension Fee of your choice below.
If we are Procuring of Sponsoring the image you are requesting, only include the File Extension Fee of your choice below.
Purchase any color, solid background, or transparency when transparency is included in the final Approved Graphic Design .
Transparency can be added to your image when possible for an additional fee.
Available File Extensions,
File Extension Fees,
(The $75 per hour Fee to create your graphics includes receiving the maximum size file extensions first,
then a sliding scale down to the lowest sizes).
Additional file extensions can be purchased per the file size options offered below.
SMALL 72dpi - Any extension ($25.00) Good for internet and website exposure.
MEDIUM 300dpi - jpeg, tiff, and gif extensions($45.00) Good for small imprinted items, largest postcard size.
PDF Vector files 350dpi - ($55.00) Good for larger commercial printing
PNG Vector file 350dpi ($65.00) Good for transparent backgrounds and larger commercial printing.
LARGER 1750dpi - All other extensions ($75.00) Good for all commercial applications and Large Format Printing, like banners and outdoor billboard signage. When creating new logos all extensions must be purchased.
Additional color combinations & file sizes are available, request your file extensions or a quote.
Note: To receive our Free Courtesy Graphic Quality Control, your Graphics has to be your company logo and YESSCORP is producing the end product to receive Free Artwork Editing. 3rd party company logos/graphics within your art layout are not included.
Graphics Best Practices
Find below some of the proactive ways you can help your projects to run smoothly. The information below should be taken into consideration when starting your project.
Be clear as to what you want.
Make sure your project Information and goal/vision is received and communicated back to you before starting.
Once a project is clear and running in a designated direction, don’t change the direction, only tweak the direction to fine-tune the project.
Changing the design direction will incur an additional cost as a new project.
Approve or make changes within 48 hours of receiving your proof.
When making changes to your proofs, always request a new proof for approval before going to print/production.
Never hesitate to communicate, be proactive in saying what you desire.
If you communicate changes by phone, follow-up those same changes via email to
Don’t wait until the last minute to start your project, then rush the project. 

With YESSCORP if we are creating a new graphic or logo we try as much as possible to eliminate miscommunication and additional hourly costs by providing visual samples of the finished project before starting, and an approval process via email from the client before moving forward at every stage of development, completion, and final approval. 

When applicable we will provide creative samples to show a client what we believe is a better look, a needed enhancement, better wording for comprehension and reaction, or a better direction for clarity at each stage of the project. Everything we do is dedicated to a mutual result, a finished graphic creation that all can be proud of.
If your finished product does not match your final approved artwork, we will reprint it at no additional cost to you.
If better is possible,.. then good is not enough.
Better is here!
Call Today: 469.560.1044
Ask Us Anything!
If you have a vision, a goal, that you want to bring to life regarding promoting your business products or services for a launch, special event, business growth, finding a product to promote your business, or any other marketing and advertising needs.
YESS! We have an answer
FREE Graphic Designs
FREE Digitizing & Embroidery
FREE Silk Screen/Screen Printing